1 legal papers
2 legal
1) законна дія2) законний, легальний; заснований на законі; заснований на загальному праві, який регулюється загальним правом; легітимний; правовий; правознавчий; правомірний; правосудний; судовий; узаконений; юридичний•legal and administrative machinery for family support — правові і адміністративні заходи підтримки сім'ї
legal gap in protection afforded — прогалина у правовому захисті, що надається
- legal abortionlegal power to correct legal errors — надане законом право виправляти юридичні ( або судові) помилки
- legal abuse
- legal access
- legal accountability
- legal acquisition
- legal act
- legal action
- legal activities
- legal activities activity
- legal acts
- legal address
- legal administration
- legal advertisement
- legal advice
- legal advice bureau
- legal advice center
- legal advice centre
- legal advice office
- legal adviser
- legal advisor
- legal age
- legal agency
- legal agent
- legal aid
- legal aid agency
- legal aid bureau
- legal aid office
- legal aid order
- legal alien
- legal analogy
- legal analysis
- legal approach
- legal area
- legal argument
- legal arrest
- legal aspect
- legal assets
- legal assignment
- legal assistance
- legal assistant
- legal assumption
- legal author
- legal autonomy
- legal awareness
- legal bar
- legal barrier
- legal basis
- legal bill
- legal body
- legal bond
- legal boundary
- legal burden
- legal business
- legal cadres
- legal calendar
- legal capacity
- legal capital
- legal career
- legal case
- legal category
- legal cause
- legal certainty
- legal challenge
- legal changes
- legal charge
- legal check
- legal cheque
- legal circumstance
- legal citation
- legal claim
- legal closing time
- legal code
- legal coercion
- legal committee
- legal competence
- legal complexity
- legal concept
- legal condition
- legal confinement
- legal conflict
- legal conscience
- legal consequence
- legal consequences
- legal consideration
- legal construction
- legal consultation
- legal context
- legal continuity
- legal control
- legal controversy
- legal conviction
- legal-correctional process
- legal costs
- legal councilor
- legal councillor
- legal counsel
- legal counseling
- legal counselor
- legal counsellor
- legal crackdown
- legal crime
- legal culture
- legal currency
- legal custody
- legal custom
- legal decision
- legal deduction
- legal defect
- legal defence
- legal defense
- legal deficiency
- legal definition
- legal delinquency
- legal delivery
- legal demand
- legal deontology
- legal department
- legal dependence
- legal deposit copy
- legal deposit library
- legal descent
- legal details
- legal detention
- legal device
- legal difference
- legal disability
- legal disadvantage
- legal discretion
- legal discrimination
- legal dispute
- legal doctrine
- legal document
- legal documentation
- legal drinking
- legal drinking age
- legal drinking limit
- legal drug
- legal duty
- legal duty
- legal eagle
- legal eavesdropping
- legal education
- legal effect
- legal effectiveness
- legal efficacy
- legal enforcement
- legal enforcement of law
- legal enforcement procedure
- legal entity under public law
- legal entity
- legal environment
- legal equality
- legal equality of the sexes
- legal error
- legal essence
- legal estate
- legal ethics
- legal evaluation
- legal evidence
- legal excuse
- legal execution
- legal executive
- legal exemption
- legal expenses
- legal expenses insurance
- legal experience
- legal expert
- legal expertise
- legal explanation
- legal exposition
- legal fact
- legal father
- legal fees
- legal fetishism
- legal fiction
- legal field
- legal fight
- legal force
- legal form
- legal formality
- legal formula
- legal formulation
- legal foundation
- legal foundations
- legal frame
- legal framework
- legal framing
- legal fraud
- legal function
- legal gambler
- legal gambling
- legal gap
- legal glossator
- legal government
- legal ground
- legal groundwork
- legal guarantee
- legal guarantees
- legal guardian
- legal guilt
- legal hearing
- legal historian
- legal history
- legal holder
- legal holiday
- legal home
- legal humanism
- legal hypothesis
- legal identity
- legal immigration
- legal immunity
- legal implementation
- legal implication
- legal implications
- legal impossibility
- legal incapacity
- legal incident
- legal income
- legal incompetence
- legal information
- legal injury
- legal innovation
- legal innovation
- legal innovations
- legal insanity
- legal institution
- legal instruction
- legal instrument
- legal intent
- legal interest
- legal interest rate
- legal interpretation
- legal investigation
- legal investigator
- legal irregularity
- legal issue
- legal journal
- legal judge
- legal judgement
- legal judgment
- legal jurisdiction
- legal justice
- legal justification
- legal killer
- legal killing
- legal knowledge
- legal language
- legal liability
- legal lien
- legal limit
- legal limitation
- legal literature
- legal loophole
- legal lynching
- legal malice
- legal malpractice
- legal manufacture
- legal marriage
- legal matter
- legal maxim
- legal means
- legal means of social control
- legal measure
- legal mechanism
- legal medicine
- legal methodology
- legal minimum age of marriage
- legal minimum wage rate
- legal minimum wage rates
- legal minor
- legal monopoly
- legal monument
- legal mortgage
- legal mother
- legal name
- legal nationality
- legal negligence
- legal nihilism
- legal nomenclature
- legal norm
- legal notice
- legal notification
- legal notion
- legal object
- legal objection
- legal objective
- legal obligation
- legal observation method
- legal observer
- legal obstruction
- legal office
- legal office
- legal officer
- legal official
- legal operation
- legal opinion
- legal order
- legal organization
- legal owner
- legal parlance
- legal papers
- legal participation
- legal perjury
- legal permissibility
- legal permission
- legal person
- legal personality
- legal phenomenon
- legal philosopher
- legal philosophy
- legal picketing
- legal platform
- legal play
- legal point
- legal point of view
- legal policy
- legal portion
- legal position
- legal positivism
- legal positivist
- legal possession
- legal power
- legal practice
- legal practitician
- legal practitioner
- legal precept
- legal predecessor
- legal prerequisite
- legal presumption
- legal presumption of death
- legal principle
- legal privilege
- legal problem
- legal procedure
- legal procedure publicity
- legal procedures
- legal proceeding
- legal proceedings
- legal process
- legal profession
- legal profession member
- legal professional
- legal professional privilege
- legal prohibition
- legal proposition
- legal propriety
- legal prosecution
- legal protectee
- legal protection
- legal protection of software
- legal provision
- legal psychiatry
- legal purism
- legal purist
- legal qualification
- legal question
- legal rationale
- legal realism
- legal reality
- legal reasoning
- legal recognition
- legal recourse
- legal redress
- legal reference
- legal reform
- legal reformer
- legal regime
- legal regulation
- legal rehabilitation
- legal rehabilitation
- legal relations
- legal relationship
- legal relationships
- legal relative
- legal relativism
- legal relevance
- legal relief
- legal remedy
- legal representation
- legal representative
- legal reputation
- legal requirement
- legal reservation
- legal reserve
- legal residence
- legal resolution
- legal restraint
- legal restriction
- legal right-enforcing
- legal right
- legal rights
- legal risk
- legal rule
- legal safeguard
- legal safety
- legal sanction
- legal scholar
- legal science
- legal scientist
- legal search
- legal secretary
- legal security
- legal self-help
- legal sense
- legal sentence
- legal sentencing
- legal separation
- legal service
- legal services
- legal significance
- legal source
- legal specialist
- legal speech
- legal sphere
- legal spokesman
- legal spouse
- legal staff
- legal standard
- legal state
- legal statement
- legal statistics
- legal status
- legal status of a person
- legal step
- legal storage period
- legal strike
- legal structure
- legal studies
- legal subbranch
- legal sub-branch
- legal subject
- legal subjectivity
- legal submission
- legal subrogation
- legal succession
- legal successor
- legal suit
- legal system
- legal tapping
- legal technicality
- legal technician
- legal technique
- legal techniques
- legal tender
- legal tender note
- legal term
- legal termination
- legal termination of marriage
- legal territory
- legal test
- legal text
- legal theorist
- legal theory
- legal thinker
- legal thinking
- legal thought
- legal title
- legal tool
- legal topic
- legal tradition
- legal training
- legal transaction
- legal treasury note
- legal treatise
- legal treatment
- legal trial
- legal ubiquity
- legal uncertainty
- legal unit
- legal usage
- legal vacuum
- legal validity
- legal venue
- legal view
- legal viewpoint
- legal violence
- legal volition
- legal voter
- legal waiver
- legal wife
- legal wiretap
- legal wiretapping
- legal wording
- legal work
- legal writer
- legal writing
- legal wrong
- legal year -
3 case
приклад; випадок, казус; становище; доводи; фактичні обставини; виклад фактичних обставин; викладення вимог; заява про фактичні обставини у справі, що повинна розглядатися вищим; докази; версія ( слідства тощо); аргументація по справі; спірне питання у суді; матеріали справи; меморандум по справі; судова справа; обвинувачення ( в суді); деліктний позов по конкретних обставинах справи; клієнт ( адвоката); особа, яка перебуває під наглядом; судове рішення по справі; судовий прецедент- case against smb.case of circumstantial evidence — обвинувачення, засноване на непрямих доказах; версія, заснована на непрямих доказах
- case agreed on
- case assignment
- case assignment file
- case at bar
- case-based cause of action
- case-by-case method
- case citation
- case comment
- case conference
- case decision
- case dismissed
- case documents
- case files
- case for
- case for motion
- case for the defence
- case for the defense
- case for the defendant
- case for the prosecution
- case history
- case-in-chief
- case in equity
- case in law
- case in point
- case in precedent
- case investigation
- case investigator
- case law
- case-law
- case-law of courts
- case law reports
- case list
- case made
- case management
- case material
- case method
- case name
- case of abuse
- case of admiralty
- case of conscience
- case of death
- case of direct evidence
- case of doubt
- case of emergency
- case of first impression
- case of legal importance
- case of mistaken identity
- case of the first impression
- case on appeal
- case on the cause list
- case papers
- case prosecution
- case rate
- case records
- case report
- case reports
- case reporter
- case reports
- case reserved
- case sample
- case sheet
- case sounding in contract
- case sounding in tort
- case stated
- case study
- case study method
- case-study work
- case submitted
- case suspension
- case system
- case to answer
- case to move for a new trial
- case to counsel
См. также в других словарях:
legal papers — Documents containing a statement of legal status, identity, authority, or ownership, or providing evidence of some type of obligation. Such documents may include wills, deeds, leases, titles, birth certificates, and contracts. Legal papers may… … Law dictionary
handing over legal papers — index service (delivery of legal process) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Legal citation signals — are a set of brief abbreviated phrases or words used to clarify the authority or significance of a legal citation as it relates to a proposition. Signals help a reader quickly discern meaning or usefulness of a particular reference when the… … Wikipedia
Legal aspects of transsexualism — Transsexual people are those who establish a permanent identity with the gender opposite to that which they were assigned at birth. As most legal jurisdictions have at least some recognition of the two traditional genders at the exclusion of… … Wikipedia
Legal realism — is a family of theories about the nature of law developed in the first half of the 20th century in the United States ( American Legal Realism ) and Scandinavia ( Scandinavian Legal Realism ). The essential tenet of legal realism is that all law… … Wikipedia
Legal history — or the history of law is the study of how law has evolved and why it changed. Legal history is closely connected to the development of civilizations and is set in the wider context of social history. Among certain jurists and historians of legal… … Wikipedia
Legal ethics — refers to an ethical code governing the conduct of people engaged in the practice of law. In the United States, the American Bar Association has promulgated [http://www.abanet.org/cpr/mrpc/mrpc toc.html model rules] that have been influential in… … Wikipedia
Legal writing — is a type of technical writing used by legislators, lawyers, judges, and others in law to express legal analysis and legal rights and duties. Its distinguishing features include reliance on and citation to authority, importance of precedent,… … Wikipedia
Legal psychology — involves empirical, psychological research of the law, legal institutions, and people who come into contact with the law. Legal psychologists typically take basic social and cognitive theories and principles and apply them to issues in the legal… … Wikipedia
Legal challenges to NSA warrantless searches in the United States — started one month after the existence of an NSA domestic surveillance program was revealed in the press on December 16, 2005. The litigation faces unusual obstacles. Alberto Gonzales has admitted that the NSA program includes spying on attorney… … Wikipedia
papers — index credentials, data, dossier Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary